Alpine Smart Goggles
Company Overview
For years the snow sport industry has been lacking heads-up-display (HUD) products since the failed Smith I/O Recon and Oakley Airwave goggles which were considered “ahead of their time”. This gap in the market (as well as my personal love for snowboarding) is what inspired me to create Peak: A conceptual company specializing in high-tech smart products, setting the standard for innovation in snow sports.
Industry: Sporting Technology
Deliverables: Visual Identity, Brand Guidelines, Strategy, 3D Design, Packaging Design, Storyboarding, Company and Product Name
Recognition: Registered Graphic Designers 2024 Student Awards: Award for Packaging Design (Single) - Honourable Mention
Project Scope
My goal for this project was to position Peak for a successful launch of its first product, the Alpine Smart Goggle. This involved developing a distinctive brand identity, creating packaging that offers a premium unboxing experience, and developing a promotional video storyboard to highlight the product’s innovative features. Keeping the target audience of tech-savvy snowboarders and skiers was top of mind when developing all deliverables including the company and product names; brand personality; tone of voice; and mission, vision, and value statements.
Visual Identity
In the early stages of developing Peak, I knew I wanted to create a visual identity that represents adventure, luxury, and innovation. The primary logo is a mountain resembling a compass motif, reflecting the brand’s commitment to guiding snow sports enthusiasts toward peak performance. The clean, bold design is memorable and resonates with the sporty tech-savvy audience. This visual identity sets Peak apart in the industry, reinforcing its forward-focused vision and dedication to excellence.
Package Design
Peak’s tech-savvy luxury-driven customers expect more than a package, they expect an elevated experience from the moment they purchase their Alpine Smart Goggles. That’s why designing with the unboxing experience in mind played a big role in ensuring every detail, from the magnetic top that forms a triangular shape replicating Peak’s logo to the unfolding design revealing two mountain shapes, elegantly presents the goggles.
Promotional Video Storyboard
In preparation for the Alpine Smart Goggle launch,​​​​​​​ I created a storyboard for a dynamic and informative promotional video. I designed custom 3D renders and special effects paired with stock photography to showcases the goggles' cutting-edge HUD technology and user experience, including real-time navigation, friend tracking, and performance analytics. This video serves as a crucial tool in building anticipation, educating potential customers, and establishing the brand in the tech-focused snow sports market.

The video starts with a wide-angle shot of the goggles packaging in a dark studio. The box opens as the goggles slowly and dramatically rise out of the box. Dynamic music plays.

Cuts to quick closeups of goggles with light reflecting off of the curves creating contrast with the dark background. These shots will highlight the goggle lens, buttons, and dial on the strap. Woosh sound effects play as the camera moves.
Cuts to quick closeups of goggles with light reflecting off of the curves creating contrast with the dark background. These shots will highlight the goggle lens, buttons, and dial on the strap. Woosh sound effects play as the camera moves.
Camera rotates around to the back of the goggles. In the lens appears a POV video from a skier on a mountain.
Camera rotates around to the back of the goggles. In the lens appears a POV video from a skier on a mountain.
The camera pans closer to the goggles, as if putting them on, until the skier’s POV takes up the full screen. Live updating customized HUD visual effects are displayed on the video. A flashing record icon appears in the HUD and the friends head down the mountain. Environmental sound effects fade in such as wind and birds chirping.
The camera pans closer to the goggles, as if putting them on, until the skier’s POV takes up the full screen. Live updating customized HUD visual effects are displayed on the video. A flashing record icon appears in the HUD and the friends head down the mountain. Environmental sound effects fade in such as wind and birds chirping.
Close-up of Friend 1 with digital HUD features surrounding them symbolizing the immersive experience of the goggles. They press the music button in the air and the music in the video picks up, turning into a more upbeat song.
Close-up of Friend 1 with digital HUD features surrounding them symbolizing the immersive experience of the goggles. They press the music button in the air and the music in the video picks up, turning into a more upbeat song.
Cuts to wide shot showing friends wearing the Alpine Smart Goggles going down the hill rapidly. Friend 1 is going down the hill as friend 2 follows behind. Audience sees more of Friend 2 introducing them for the next shot. Laughing and woosh sound effects play as they pass.
Cuts to wide shot showing friends wearing the Alpine Smart Goggles going down the hill rapidly. Friend 1 is going down the hill as friend 2 follows behind. Audience sees more of Friend 2 introducing them for the next shot. Laughing and woosh sound effects play as they pass.
Cuts to Friend 2’s POV. They have a different HUD setup which emphasizes the customization of the goggles. They make a hand gesture to switch their goggles to “trick mode” without pressing buttons on their helmet. Digital sound effects play as the circles adjust, zooming in and out, to focus on the gesture.
Cuts to Friend 2’s POV. They have a different HUD setup which emphasizes the customization of the goggles. They make a hand gesture to switch their goggles to “trick mode” without pressing buttons on their helmet. Digital sound effects play as the circles adjust, zooming in and out, to focus on the gesture.
Music slows down with slow motion shot of friend 2 jumping through digital hoop visual effects, showing the immersive experience of the goggles once more. Digital stats appear showing how high the skier is jumping with a circle lighting up as they get closer to their record. Music speeds up again when they land.
Music slows down with slow motion shot of friend 2 jumping through digital hoop visual effects, showing the immersive experience of the goggles once more. Digital stats appear showing how high the skier is jumping with a circle lighting up as they get closer to their record. Music speeds up again when they land.
Cuts to Friend 1’s POV in “ “Following Mode” where they can see where their friends are on the hill. The skier also has their HUD set up to notify them of “Danger Zones”. Patches of minimal snow, potential obstacles, and avalanche risks are pointed out with more urgent risks appearing in orange and less urgent ones in white. The navigational HUD also shows the skier their distance to the landmarks such as the lodge.
Cuts to Friend 1’s POV in “ “Following Mode” where they can see where their friends are on the hill. The skier also has their HUD set up to notify them of “Danger Zones”. Patches of minimal snow, potential obstacles, and avalanche risks are pointed out with more urgent risks appearing in orange and less urgent ones in white. The navigational HUD also shows the skier their distance to the landmarks such as the lodge.
Friends reunite,  greeting each other after a day of adventure on the slopes, enhanced by the convenience and safety provided by their Alpine Smart Goggles. Music starts to slow down and shot pans up to sky and fades to white.
Friends reunite, greeting each other after a day of adventure on the slopes, enhanced by the convenience and safety provided by their Alpine Smart Goggles. Music starts to slow down and shot pans up to sky and fades to white.
Fade in for the final frame. Upbeat music stops abruptly with the final beat simultaneously revealing company logo, product name, release date, and prompting a call to action with the website.
Fade in for the final frame. Upbeat music stops abruptly with the final beat simultaneously revealing company logo, product name, release date, and prompting a call to action with the website.
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